Tuesday, December 11, 2007

the need to become

We are corrupted.
A few days back, I looked around my section and I got thinking. Around me were close to 50 3rd year med students, who in 4 years will be doctors, and more importantly adults. making decisions that affect the entire community. All I saw were a bunch of young kids, still stuck somewhere in high school.
Our whole generation, We are so concerned about what people are wearing and who’s dating who, and who’s cuter than who, who drives what… the list of extremely meaningless topics is endless. Not only is it a disgrace, it is a scary time bomb!
I can not realize where exactly the problem initiated but I do know it exists.
Somehow, what we have is absolute ignorance. We know nothing about politics, literature, religion, history, art, or anything that is of meaning. How are we expected to be running a country in a decade or so?
Lets look at it that way, it seems, since our country isn’t exactly doing all that great now, allow me to elaborate- a lousy infrastructure that currently allows for a traffic jam to exist anywhere, and everywhere most of the time, an education system that allows for absolute shutting down of the brain, forget “thinking outside the box”, I don’t think there’s even thinking within any box whatsoever, the horrendous “tipping/bribery” systems along with the “favoring” underlining any process that goes around…etc etc- I don’t think the previous generation did all that well, no? and I am talking about a generation that was better educated, more moral and ethical and more aware of the environmental and other issues that meant something. We are talking about a generation that knew the difference between republican and liberal and all these “big words”.
Before them, was the generation that got us though war into peace.
talk about circling the drain!
Yesterday, was human rights’ day. They were celebrating it in the uni by creating a mini-galery with express-yourself charts, and by running the movie “beyond borders”(that didn’t exactly work out, but the gallery was great). I was real excited about going, but none of my friends were. I took my sister and went anyway. Talk about being stuck with the wrong friends. And none of them was even supportive. They were all joking about how all they wanted was to be “doctors” and nothing else. What about being human, and alive?
Dr. ibrahim elfiky once said something like: its always better to be alone than end up with the wrong croud. inspite of believing in that, I don’t really know if I have the courage. I want to learn, and learn more and more about the things that matter. The causes and the types and the structure. I want to educate myself and make a difference. I don’t want to end up like the “croud” and I don’t want to run away. I want a better life but I want to help people live better lives too.
Yes, I don’t want to be alone, and it confuses me not to be able to see clearly, and decide on a plan to stick to with all my heart and soul. And I guess it’s part of being where I am and the “med school” no-time-to-even-think syndrome.
I need to change. I need to become.

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